Whale Sightings 2024

A small sample of our Whale sightings for Season 2024



A spectacular morning surrounded by a large number of whales! We were fortunate to spot over eight humpback whales on all sides, each displaying a variety of impressive movements. We observed powerful blows, graceful arched backs, and tail-up dives. These movements and the close encounter with marine life made us very happy.


What an amazing day! We encountered more than five humpback whales, each displaying impressive surfacing times, powerful blows, and graceful arched backs. On our way back, we were surprised by three massive blows that left everyone in awe. It was a truly remarkable experience.


Once again, we were surrounded by these beautiful creatures, making the day truly special. We were fortunate to have more than four humpback whales around our boat, offering an incredible spectacle. We observed various acrobatics, such as impressive blows, graceful arched backs, tail-up dives, and much more. Each movement of these magnificent creatures left us in awe and provided us with a unique opportunity to learn more about marine life. It was an unforgettable day that deepened our admiration for the beauty and majesty of humpback whales.


We had an absolutely fantastic day on the water! We were lucky enough to encounter more than five humpback whales, each providing us with a spectacular display. We observed impressive blows, graceful arched backs, and energetic pectoral slaps. The long down times were particularly fascinating, adding an extra layer of excitement to the experience. It was a day full of breathtaking moments and a true celebration of nature's wonders.



More than seven humpback whales with long deep dive times, multiple blows, tail-up dives, spectacular breaches, and peduncle throws. Additionally, we were lucky enough to spot two seals. Every moment was enchanting, as everyone was captivated by this beautiful display of nature.


A spectacular day! We were fortunate to be surrounded by a group of six humpback whales, treating us to a series of impressive acrobatics including powerful blows, breaches, pectoral slaps, chin slaps, and some incredible close interactions. It was a truly memorable experience.


We had a fantastic morning surrounded by a large group of whales, observing a variety of movements including powerful blows, majestic arched backs, impressive tail-up dives, and thrilling breaches. The presence of 2 seals added to the excitement of the day. It was truly an unforgettable and enjoyable experience.


It was an incredible day! We were lucky to see a large group of humpback whales right next to our boat. They treated us to a variety of impressive movements, such as blows, arched backs, tail-up dives, chin slaps, pectoral slaps, and peduncle throws. Every moment was unforgettable, making this a truly magical experience!


Today, we were enchanted by a beautiful group of humpbacks. We had an absolutely sensational day! They treated us to impressive blows, arched backs, tail-up dives, and peduncle throws. Each movement was breathtaking, leaving us in awe. It was definitely a unique and unforgettable experience!


With a group of 4 humpback whales, we had a truly delightful morning! It was an exhilarating experience to observe these magnificent creatures up close. We were amazed to witness their incredible movements, including blows, arched backs, an impressive tail-up dive, and peduncle throws. Every moment was magical and left us enchanted by the beauty and majesty of these whales. Undoubtedly, an unforgettable experience that provided us with a deep connection to nature.


Seven humpback whales surrounding our boat was simply fabulous! Experiencing this moment was incredible and left everyone on board in awe. We observed several blows, arched backs, tail-up dives, and breaches. It was yet another unique and thrilling experience for everyone.


We were enchanted by these magnificent marine creatures that brought us immense joy. We witnessed several blows, arched backs, and tail-up dives. Their graceful and powerful movements were mesmerizing to watch. The day was filled with excitement as the humpbacks displayed their behaviors up close, making it an unforgettable experience.



We had another beautiful day with a group of 4 humpbacks! It was thrilling to see these giants of the sea in action, with incredible movements like blows, arched backs, tail-up dives, and peduncle throws. The energy and beauty of these whales made the experience absolutely unforgettable!



We had several whales around us on a beautiful day, making the experience even more special. With over 8 humpbacks present, we were delighted to observe their incredible movements, including blows, arched backs, and tail-up dives. The proximity to these magnificent creatures and the diversity of their behaviors were truly impressive. It was a memorable day, filled with magical moments, allowing us to appreciate the beauty and majesty of humpback whales in their natural habitat.


Surrounded by at least 8 pods, our vessel experienced an extraordinary display of whale behavior. It was truly amazing to see so many movements like blows, breaches, and chin slaps. The whales were very active, making our day incredible. We also witnessed tail-up dives, arched backs, and incredible mugging. Additionally, we were joined by over 100 dolphins and 3 seals. A day that will undoubtedly remain in our memories forever!


Three pods with extended downtimes and spectacular blows captivated our attention. We were treated to a delightful sight of two juvenile whales, effortlessly showcasing their charm as they gracefully circled our boat with their magnificent breaches.


It was a truly magnificent afternoon, filled with the graceful movements of these stunning sea creatures. Over seven majestic humpback whales graced us with their presence. We marveled at their playful mugging, powerful blows that sprayed mist into the air, the elegance of their arched backs, and the impressive display of numerous spouts punctuating the horizon.


We had an incredible day with excellent weather, encountering over 18 humpback whales in numerous pods. They were highly active and treated us to their amazing behaviors such as blows, arched backs, impressive tail-up dives, breaches, pectoral slaps, and peduncle throws.


This morning, we had the presence of multiple pods, with more than 9 humpback whales. It was a truly unique moment to see these magnificent and large creatures around us, displaying a variety of movements such as blows and arched backs. Being so close to these whales and witnessing their grace was an unforgettable experience.



A day filled with lots of acrobatics: a pod of 6 humpback whales, including adults and calves, displaying magnificent movements like blows, pectoral slaps, and peduncle throws. We were in awe as these majestic creatures showcased their incredible agility and strength, creating a breathtaking spectacle on the open sea. Their playful interactions and synchronized movements left everyone on board utterly mesmerized, making it an unforgettable experience for all.



Another splendid day with these magnificent marine creatures! Today, we were fortunate to encounter more than 12 humpback whales, a breathtaking sight. Among them were two majestic adults playfully circling our boat, surrounded by numerous pods of other marine life. It was a truly unforgettable experience immersed in the beauty and grace of the ocean's inhabitants.


This morning, our passengers were delighted by the presence of over 7 humpback whales, treating us to numerous breaches, tail-up dives, and blows. We were amazed by their behaviors. Additionally, we were surrounded by more than 20 dolphins, making the morning simply fantastic!


On this day, we witnessed impressive acrobatics, playful antics with their arched back leaps, breaches. It was a different and very enjoyable morning alongside these adorable creatures, which simply enchant us by allowing us to witness these behaviors, making our day truly magical.


What a truly magnificent afternoon it was! Our hearts were filled with awe as we witnessed over 20 whales, including humpbacks and dolphins, treating us to a spectacular display of breaches, powerful slaps, and breathtaking peduncle throws. These majestic creatures showcased their grace and power, creating an unforgettable spectacle in the ocean this afternoon."



An unforgettable day on board! Our beautiful marine creatures graced us with a mesmerizing display of behaviors, from elegantly arched backs and thrilling tail-up dives to powerful blows and playful chin slaps. Each moment spent observing these magnificent creatures filled us with a deep sense of awe and appreciation for the wonders of the ocean.



On this beautiful morning, our whale-watching expedition was filled with remarkable sightings. We encountered numerous whales exhibiting prolonged downtimes, including a pod of 7 humpback whales. They delighted us with powerful blows, gracefully arched backs, exhilarating tail-up dives, playful chin slaps, and impressive peduncle throws. It was an unforgettable display of natural beauty and behavior!


Our Whale watching adventure was simply spectacular! We were surrounded by over 10 magnificent whales, who treated us to an unforgettable display of behaviors. From powerful blows to graceful tail-up dives, breathtaking breaches, and impressive peduncle throws, every moment was filled with excitement and wonder. It was an experience we'll never forget.


Today, our Whale watching expedition was nothing short of captivating. The whales delighted us with a mesmerizing showcase of behaviors, from their graceful pectoral slaps and waves to their awe-inspiring peduncle throws. Their majestic breaches and elegant tail-up dives added to the spectacle, leaving us in awe of these magnificent creatures


Excellent day on board! We were surrounded by numerous pods and thrilling acrobatics. Our passengers were absolutely enchanted by the multitude of whale behaviors we witnessed, including powerful blows, elegantly arched backs, impressive tail-up dives, breathtaking breaches, playful pectoral slaps, exciting chin slaps, and spectacular peduncle throws. We were in awe of the sheer variety of movements displayed!
Fantastic morning on board! Our beloved marine friends graced us with their presence today, leaving our passengers absolutely delighted. The whales treated us to a wide range of behaviors, including powerful blows and impressive tail-up dives.
Amazing day on board! Our enthusiastic passengers made it even more special. We had the pleasure of witnessing a variety of spectacular behaviors, including pectoral slaps, powerful blows, gracefully arched backs, thrilling breaches, and much more!
29 MayWhat an exhilarating whale-watching adventure we had today! We encountered numerous pods, including around 10 magnificent humpback whales and a playful group of 50 dolphins. The excitement was palpable as we witnessed powerful blows, arched backs, tail-up dives, pectoral slaps, chin slaps, and peduncle throws. It was an absolutely unforgettable experience that left us all in awe!
26 MayAnother incredible day on board! The pods of whales were bursting with energy, treating our passengers to a truly spectacular show, including a group of six humpback whales. We observed a range of behaviors, including blows, pectoral slaps, breaches, peduncle throws, and much more! It was a day to remember!
25 MayA delightful whale-watching experience today. We had the privilege of witnessing breathtaking acrobatics from three humpback whales, putting on a mesmerizing show of behaviors. From powerful blows to gracefully arched pectoral slaps, our passengers were absolutely thrilled
24 MayWe kicked off this season with a fantastic morning on board! Our beloved marine friends graced us with their presence today, leaving our passengers absolutely delighted. The whales treated us to a wide range of behaviors, including a spectacular double breach, majestic blows, arched backs, and tail-up dives!"

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